The spread can be used to answer specific questions, but I am using it today as a weekly forecast.
I am using the Faery Wicca Tarot by Kisma K. Stepanich, illustrated by Renée Christine Yates (Llewellyn).
My first task is to choose a Significator for myself. As I went through the deck, I felt equally drawn to the Ainnir of Domhan and the Ainnir of Tine, so I decided to have a pair of Significators for this reading. In this deck, “Ainnir” represents pure feminine energy. Domhan is Earth. Tine is Fire. As my true fans will remember (ha!), I have a strong Earth presence in my birth chart, but my Sun is in Sagittarius, a Fire sign. Both elements resonate strongly with me.
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My Significators |
The positions for a weekly forecast reading are as follows:
1) Moon / Monday
2) Mercury / Wednesday
3) Venus / Friday
4) Sun / Sunday
5) Mars / Tuesday
6) Jupiter / Thursday
7) Saturn / Saturday
Let’s see what the week ahead looks like. My innate sense of organization wants to see these cards in the order the days of the week occur, so I am reading them that way, beginning with Monday.
1) Moon / Monday
The “motto” for this card is “Show me how to think with my heart.” In general, Water (Uisce) is linked with the heart, emotions, love, and good feelings, relationships, psychic experiences, and inner pilgrimage. With the Ace, we see birth and beginnings. Combined with the suit meaning, we can add pleasures, home, nourishment, satisfaction, caring. The card can represent new love or the way love can help us bear troubles and get through difficult situations. Any or all of these meanings may apply to me on Monday, a day associated with the Moon, ruler of Cancer, a Water sign. I love the illustration on this card, showing a rainbow path to the sea and a faery castle on the rocks in the water.
5) Mars / Tuesday
The Ard Ri is a High King of the Emerald Isle. Tine is the element Fire. The Ard Ri of Tine is “Fire of Fire; exalted willpower; ego in full action; Spirit in battle…” With this card, I have the ability to overcome adversity due to my superior strength, as well as the ability to listen to Spirit to hear the ancient voice of wisdom. “Lamhfada” is another name for the Irish god Lugh. This is a very different energy from Monday, more action-oriented, passionate, and even aggressive, especially since we are linking the card to the planet Mars here.
2) Mercury / Wednesday
This card belongs to the group called The Ancient Ones in this deck (traditionally known as the Major Arcana). The border of each card in this group features an ogham in each corner, representing the four seasons. So for Wednesday I have a card titled “Strength of Will” or “Rundaigne Banba” (Banba's Strength). In Irish mythology, Banba is a patron goddess of Ireland. Like the Strength card in traditional Tarot decks, this card refers to our inner light, with which we can tame the wild beast within us. It’s about facing my fears with grace and dignity, not fighting and scratching but with tolerance and understanding. As a Major Arcana card, this indicates that Wednesday carries the potential for a significant event or realization in my life.
6) Jupiter / Thursday
The suit of Aer can indicate “danger, warnings, frustration, sorrow, depression, death, accidents, hostile forces, and setbacks.” However, it is also about how the mind and our ways of thinking dictate our attitude, which in turn dictates action, which dictates life. The number Five is typically a “difficult” number, indicating conflict. There is a warning with the Five of Aer not to fight a no-win battle, but to rely on patient endurance and passive courage to weather the storm.
3) Venus / Friday
The suit of Aer can indicate “danger, warnings, frustration, sorrow, depression, death, accidents, hostile forces, and setbacks.” However, it is also about how the mind and our ways of thinking dictate our attitude, which in turn dictates action, which dictates life. The Two of Aer is called “The Path of Discernment” in this deck, and it refers to two forces against each other, which sounds negative in a way but can also represent balance and can be a reminder that “what goes around comes around” in a karmic sense. Another message from this card is “Know thyself.”
7) Saturn / Saturday
Uisce is Water, the element dealing with the heart, emotions, love, relationships with self and other people, nostalgia, and inner pilgrimage. With the Seven of Uisce, I am looking at the potential for inspirational dreams, visions, and fantasies along with feminine spirit and poetic sensibility. I may have many options from which to choose in a situation, or I may need to “wake up” from a dream state in order to deal with reality in a pragmatic way.
4) Sun / Sunday
This is one of four “Gift of Faery” cards in this deck. They are unique, not found in traditional Tarot decks. Kisma Stepanich tells us, “If the Holy Stone card is pulled, your journey will begin your apprenticeship in our world.” What an interesting card to pull for Sunday, the traditional Christian Holy Day! Stepanich also calls the Holy Stone “the Spiritual Benefactor” and “Earth fairy ally,” who will help me “understand symbols, codes, or puzzles that may be encountered when traveling in the OtherWorld.”
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