The oracle card I am sharing today is from the Egyptian Pyramid Oracle by Verona McColl. This deck was given to me by a friend -- it's one of very few decks in my collection that I did not purchase myself.
The Egyptian Pyramid Oracle consists of five "Houses," each consisting of five cards. They are the House of Change (linked with the element Water), the House of Power (Fire), the House of Wisdom (Earth), the House of Inspiration (Air), and the House of Temptation (Spirituality).
Card 13 in the House of Wisdom is Thoth, the god of wisdom and learning, and the inventor of writing. Thoth is also the divine governor of stability, the inventor of the calendar, patron of the exact sciences, inventor of the vital healing formulae, lord of time, reckoner of years, and helper of the dead. Here he is shown in one of his typical forms, that of an ibis.
In the little book that accompanies this deck, Verona McColl tells us that this card represents a wise, mature, prudent person who will lead us to our goals and provide us with the strength to succeed. If the card is reversed, we are advised to take care that we do not reject a mentor's help or turn our back on wisdom. We must also be careful not to follow bad advice.
Gazing at this card, I feel calm and receptive to the wisdom that is being shared. I feel that my inner strength is fortified by the energy of this card.
In addition to my 60 Tarot decks, I own a great many oracle decks. I love these decks, but don't use them as often as I would like. Every now and then, I am going to share a card from one of these oracle decks here on the blog. I hope people will enjoy seeing cards from various decks and will gain something from the interpretations of the cards!
I think this would be a great card to meditate on.