My reading focus was Life Sphere and my Aces appeared in this order: Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles.

Ace of Wands.....Wheel of Fortune.....Nine of Cups.....Ten of Swords
Work and Creativity are indeed the primary focus of my attention and energies right now. In the Wheel of Fortune I see the ups and downs of creative work and the need to maintain balance and keep myself centered. The 9 of Cups suggests bounty and an emotional "high," whereas the 10 of Swords seems to represent reaching "rock bottom." Just as the Wheel implies, there are highs and lows. I need to avoid being carried away in either direction, whether it be the direction of the 9 of Cups or the 10 of Swords.
Ace of Swords.....The Lovers.....Eight of Pentacles.....Page of Wands
I think not only problem-solving but also thought processes and self-communication (Swords) can be seen as interfering with my work and creativity. The Lovers reminds me that I always have a choice about how to view things and which attitude to take. Some of the problems I experience can be solved by hard work (8 of Pentacles). Others can be solved by a fresh, innovative, imaginative, creative approach and outlook (Page of Wands). I get a sense that I need to reconnect with the idealism and optimism of my younger days.
Ace of Cups.....The Devil.....Temperance.....Six of Wands
Love and relationships may help me resolve tensions between 1 and 2, or suggest helpful actions. My spouse as well as my friends and family are extremely supportive of my work and creativity, helping to offset my sometimes negative thoughts and self-communication. The Devil reminds me that I often place restrictions on myself or accept restrictions and limitations that I have the power to reject -- not only in my work but in relationships as well. Seeking balance and moderation in the area of relationships can help me do the same where work and creativity are concerned (Temperance). The 6 of Wands suggest the ability to succeed in reaching balance and stability.
Ace of Pentacles.....The Sun.....Eight of Swords.....The Hermit
The blindfolded woman on the 8 of Swords is flanked by a child on horseback (The Sun) and an old man with a lantern (The Hermit). She cannot see either of them, but perhaps she is aware of them anyway. She may be choosing not to let these powerful forces influence her at this time, or she may be accepting restrictions that she has the power to reject. I tend to see The Sun as representing confidence and strength regarding Money/Security matters, and The Hermit as representing inner knowledge and understanding about Money/Security matters (or an encounter with someone who can act as my guide in these matters). As a result of my interactions in the areas described by the other three Aces, I may find myself dealing with my attitudes toward Money/Security from both an external and internal perspective. I find it interesting that The Hermit is linked with the zodiac sign Virgo, my Rising Sign. I tend to be overly anxious (in typical Virgo fashion) about Money/Security issues.
The highest Major Arcana card in this reading is The Sun. I can triumph best by paying special attention to the solar qualities of energy, strength, success, prosperity, happiness, friendship, optimism, and good cheer. As a Fire card, The Sun is compatible with the Ace of Wands (Fire) in the first position, reinforcing the message that it's not what happens to me that matters but how I respond or react. There is at least one Fire card in every row. I am being encouraged to make use of the passion, energy, optimism, and confidence associated with that element.*
* My elemental associations are based on those established by the Order of the Golden Dawn (OGD).
This was a great post Zanna - I liked the way you interpreted the Sun, 8 Swords and Hermit.