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Friday, December 14, 2018

Mystical Wisdom Oracle Card Reading - December 2018

My Mystical Wisdom oracle deck (written by Gaye Guthrie, with art by Josephine Wall, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.) called out to me today, so I decided to consult it concerning matters in my personal life. Without going into details, I am providing the positional definitions and interpreting the cards drawn into those positions.

(1) something I know: INTUITION
Message: “Trust your intuition.”

Yes, I do know that I can trust my intuition if I “listen” carefully enough to sense what it is telling me. Too often, my fears are louder and more compelling, causing me to react based on those fears, when my intuition has a more complete picture of what needs to be done.

(2) something I may have forgotten: CHOICES
Message: “Make the best choices.”

I do sometimes forget that I do have choices at almost every step of almost every situation. I can choose not to panic. I can choose not to leap to a “fight or flight” level. I can trust myself to make good choices.

(3) something I need to learn: DRAGONFLY
Message: “Live life to the fullest.”

An interesting message! What does it mean to “live life to the fullest.” I do not think it necessarily means that we all need to take up hang gliding or parasailing or parachute jumping. I think living life to the fullest can be simply opening ourselves to all of the possibilities and opportunities life (or the Universe) offers us. Making the most of things the way they are, but also looking beyond that to what could be.

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