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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tarot Connections: Venus in Libra

Venus will be in the sign Libra from August 16th to September 10th. Venus rules Libra, and therefore is quite happy (and powerful) when visiting (transiting) that sign.

In the system established by the Golden Dawn, the Tarot card associated with Venus is The Empress (Key 3) and the card associated with Libra is Justice (Key 11).

Using the Celestial Tarot by Kay Steventon and Brian Clark (U.S. Games Systems), I thought it would be fun to explore the relationship between Venus and Libra, and between The Empress and Justice.

The Empress (Venus)

The planet Venus rules not only the sign Libra but the sign Taurus as well. From an elemental perspective, then, Venus rules both an Air sign and an Earth sign. There is certainly an “upper” or “higher” energy indicated by the element Air, with a “lower” energy indicated by Earth. Or, as Brian Clark puts it: “Taurus carries the earthy, sensual, fertile, and resourceful sides of the goddess, symbolized by her green sash. Libra reflects her heavenly sides of culture and beauty.”

Other symbols we see on The Empress card include “open arms and bare breasts” (a desire to be known); magic girdle (ability to cast love spells); sacred dove (messenger of peace and reconciliation).

Justice (Libra)

Fun Fact (from Brian Clark): “The last addition to the zodiac as we know it today was Libra.” Clark also points out: “Just as Libra lies at the midpoint of the zodiac, Justice appears at the midpoint of the Major Arcana.” Thus, the Justice card often represents a crossroads in our own judgment, a choice or decision to be made on which path to follow.

Justice is Key 11 in the Celestial Tarot (experienced Tarot readers will know that in some decks, Justice is Key 8).

Clark explains that the earliest Greek goddess to be associated with Justice was Themis, and it is she who is pictured on the Justice card in the Celestial Tarot. Behind Themis we see a peacock, “whose tail is a swirl of colors that has become associated with totality and wholeness” (Clark). The mantle Themis wears is covered with roses (the heart, beauty, love). 

The process of equality and balance is emphasized by Justice -- that is, equality and balance between polarities, differences, or disagreements. Natives of the sign Libra are known for their desire to examine and explore all sides of everything in order to resolve conflicts fairly. This can lead to indecision and delays. 

In fact, if we consult the Oracle of the Radiant Sun (Caroline Smith and John Astrop, St. Martin’s Griffin), the card assigned to the placement of Venus in Libra is titled “Indecision.” In addition to finding it difficult to make a decision, the desire for harmony is so strong, there may be a tendency to “give in” or acquiesce to another person in order to avoid confrontation or conflict.

As Venus transits Libra from August 16th to September 10th, the accompanying energy will affect everyone. In order to get a more personal “take” on this placement, we can look at which house transiting Venus is in while in Libra. In my case, that is the First House, House of Self. I (and others with that same house placement) will very likely experience moments of peaceful, balanced energy at a very personal level, including harmony in our closest personal relationships. The vibes from this Venus-in-Libra transit should be quite pleasant and satisfying. I will, of course, want to be aware of any tendency to waffle in decisions that affect me personally, or to deny my own preferences too often in order to avoid conflict.

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