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Thursday, July 22, 2021

"Letting Go" Spread from Tarot by the Moon

As promised in _my review_, I am doing a few readings using spreads provided by Victoria Constantino in her book Tarot by the Moon (Llewellyn). 

Since this is July, I am choosing one of the spreads in Chapter 7 – July: The Buck Moon. Constantino writes: “In the month of July, we can witness new antlers sprouting from the heads of bucks running wild through the forest, lending this month’s moon its name, The Buck Moon. July’s moon is also referred to as the Thunder Moon, the Hay Moon or the Wort Moon.”

I have chosen the “Letting Go” spread, a 9-card spread with the following positional defintions:

(1) Where do I need to loosen my grip?

(2) What do I need to let go of?

(3) How can I let go?

(4) How will letting go benefit me?

(5) Where do I need to surrender?

(6) Where do I need to shift my beliefs?

(7) How will this impact me?

(8) How can I better trust the universe?

(9) How should I move forward?

Here is a picture of the layout:

For this reading, Spirit has led me to use Tarot of the Mystic Spiral by Giovanni Pelosini, with Artwork by Giuseppe Palumbo (Lo Scarabeo)

(1) Where do I need to loosen my grip? 


What a fascinating card to see here! If anything, The Chariot seems to encourage us to “tighten our grip” or our control, rather than loosening it. We see the charioteer on the card battling creatures that point their twisted horns in opposite directions. Is it possible that I am “trying too hard” to exert or maintain control of my direction in life, when I actually need to loosen my grip?

(2) What do I need to let go of? 


The Hierophant is structure, tradition, and organization. Saying that I need to “let go of” this type of energy is quite compatible with The Chariot in Position (1). In both cases, a structure or level of control is being questioned as to its effectiveness in my life at this time. 

(3) How can I let go? 


I can “let go” by allowing my creative nature, my passions, and my impulses to intertwine and unite like the trees on this card. This can free me from the restrictions, desire to control, or “rules” represented by The Chariot and The Hierophant.

(4) How will letting go benefit me? 


By letting go, I open myself to receiving wealth and freedom in the physical, material world (Pentacles). 

(5) Where do I need to surrender? 

THE MOON (Key 18)

The Moon suggests to me that I need to surrender emotionally or subconsciously, deep within my Self, through dreams or meditation, perhaps also to surrender to my intuition.

(6) Where do I need to shift my beliefs? 


Instead of two trees intertwining (as on the Two of Wands), the Ace gives us two snakes intertwining their tails in a knot of love. The creative energy in this card is powerful and signals the birth or beginning of something new about which I can be passionate.

(7) How will this impact me? KNAVE OF CHALICES

This will impact my emotional state primarily, particularly as it might apply to my artistic sensitivity. There may also be an impact at a subconscious level (Chalices = Water).

(8) How can I better trust the universe? 


I can better trust the universe by being emotionally accessible, by opening my heart to the universe as a power that is higher or greater than myself. 

(9) How should I move forward? 


I should move forward looking for abundance and expecting prosperity or success in the physical, material world. With each step, I can experience the benefits of wealth in real time, building a sense of security and accomplishment in my life.

Major Arcana cards came forward to answer the questions, “Where do I need to loosen my grip?”, “What do I need to let go of?” and “Where do I need to surrender?” This suggests to me that those three questions are of particular importance and deserve extra attention. 

It is interesting that there are no Air/Swords cards in this reading. The focus is on Fire, Earth, and Water (two of each) rather than my mind or intellectual activity.

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