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Monday, April 8, 2019

Listen to the Animals

For this Tarot Notes feature, I pull one card each week from a different animal-themed deck to represent an important message from that animal.

If you are interested in finding out who your own Animal Guides are, you can get an Animal Guides Reading through my _Etsy shop_ or my _Web Site_.

This week my deck is Dawn Brunke's Animal Wisdom Tarot, illustrated by Ola Liola (CICO Books). To read my review of this deck, click _HERE_.

The LLAMA has come forward.

The Animal Wisdom Tarot

This card is subtitled "Seeker of Fossils." In The Animal Wisdom Tarot, this sweet child is comparable to the traditional Knight of Pentacles and is given the elemental associations Air of Earth. Dawn Brunke writes that this "suggests a grounded ability to understand abstract, metaphysical concepts," helping us to "stay centered and connected even as our minds open and our thoughts roam far." I love that idea!

Qualities assigned to this card (as we might expect from the Knight of Pentacles) are "steady, patient, practical, receptive."

In South America, llamas work as pack animals and are used for food. I recently attended an animal fiber event here in the U.S. where people exhibited llamas and alpacas, and were awarded ribbons like horses or dogs. Here are some photos I took of some of the llamas.


And here is an _article_ about the popularity of llamas as pets:

The message of the llama in this deck is: "Center your body; free your mind."

Sound advice, I think!

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~ Zanna