Order a Reading from Me

Order a Reading from Me
Please send relevant information to zannastarr@gmail.com.

Friday, December 9, 2016


I call this spread / exercise “When, Then.” It is designed to explore what our actions, reactions, or responses could or should be to situations that might arise.

Four cards are placed in a line: 1…2…3…4. Positional definitions are:

(1) When this happens…
(2) Then it’s time to…
(3) Instead of…
(4) Because…

Let’s take it for a spin! I am using Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Barbara Moore (Lo Scarabeo).

(1) When this happens… THREE OF SWORDS
When I experience sorrow, disappointment, or pain…

(2) Then it’s time to… THE HIEROPHANT
Then it’s time to turn to the guide and guardian of my personal beliefs…

(3) Instead of… KING OF SWORDS
Instead of becoming detached, authoritarian, and severe…

(4) Because… THE FOOL
Because that is the only way I will free myself to move forward without fear.

When I experience sorrow, disappointment, or pain … Then it’s time to turn to the guide and guardian of my personal beliefs … Instead of becoming detached, authoritarian, and severe … Because that is the only way I will free myself to move forward without fear.

Wow, I have to say this worked really well! I will be using it in the future. Please let me know if you try this spread and what your results were.


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~ Zanna