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Friday, December 16, 2016

Stones and Treasures Reading

I recently went surfing through my Tarot Blog files and came across a spread I used in December of 2013. Actually, it’s an entire reading method developed by Jordan Hoggard.

To use this method:

  1. hold your cards just above your altar cloth, deck wrap, or table
  2. close your eyes and meditate on your question
  3. with your eyes still closed, drop your deck into three “Stones” or stacks.  

The top card of each Stone (stack of cards) is called your Stone Card.  The bottom card of each Stone (stack of cards) is called your Treasure Card.  Your current situation as it stands will be represented by your Stone Cards.  Your Treasure Cards show you something new, and allow the Stones of your situation (familiar things) to be seen and made workable in a new light.

Jordan tells us: “The intent of your Treasure of the Stones Tarot Reading is to inform you and ease your stresses so you are better able to make informed decisions for yourself in your life. Stress is simply a force applied, and this method can help you direct and resolve your stresses so they all work together in harmony much like the stresses resolving forces in a building or structure . . . . Your magical house of cards!”

The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans (Harper Elixir) offered to accompany me on this particular journey. I am creating three “Stones” and “Treasures.”

Stone 1: THREE OF SWORDS – Betrayal, Heartbreak, Turmoil
Treasure: EIGHT OF WANDS – Sudden Movement or Change

With this pair of cards, I get the sense of leaving behind or overcoming a negative, troublesome, or sad situation. One day I’m bogged down and “tied up” by problematic or hurtful conditions, the next day a big change creates movement and progress toward a new goal.

Stone 2: THE CHARIOT – Strong Will, Triumph
Treasure: FATHER OF PENTACLES – Steady, Entrepreneurial

I have created a current situation with my own confidence, will, and “inner warrior.” I need to acknowledge this and build on it. The Father of Pentacles offers his support in the form of stability, calm spirit, and diligence.

Stone 3: DAUGHTER OF WANDS – Visionary, Passionate
Treasure: SEVEN OF SWORDS – Secrecy, Self Interest

I see this pair of cards as perhaps advising me not to undermine or restrict my vision and passion by concealing or deceiving, keeping secrets or avoidance. I think this has more to do with the potential for self-sabotage than with another person deceiving me. The energy of the Wands suit can be freed to accomplish more if I make an effort to be straightforward and sincere.

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