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Sunday, October 13, 2024


For this series, I am exploring the choices of animals made by various deck creators to correspond to traditional Tarot cards. My initial goal is to get through the Major Arcana using cards from seven different decks:

  • Animal Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine (Hay House)
  • The Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson; illustrated by Eugene Smith (Llewellyn Publications)
  • The Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke; illustrated by Ola Liola (CICO Books)
  • The Animal-Wise Tarot by Ted Andrews (Dragonhawk Publishing)
  • The Animals Divine Tarot by Lisa Hunt (Llewellyn Worldwide)
  • The Animism Tarot by Joanna Cheung (Self-Published)
  • Tarot of the Animal Lords with artwork by Angelo Giannini (Lo Scarabeo)
To read my previous posts in this series, enter “Animal Tarot Time” in the search field on the main page of the blog or scroll down and click on Animal Tarot Time under CATEGORIES.

Animal Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine (Hay House)


“Success through taking action. Opportunity and blessings. 
Travel or modes of transportation. Forward movement. New directions.”

The creators of this deck point out that we traditionally associate reindeer with Santa Claus, which reinforces the idea of this creature representing prosperity or change in a positive direction. It also makes sense to have reindeer represent the movement and transportation. As the authors state, the reindeer and caribou are basically the same animal, with the primary difference being domestication.

In tarot, the Wheel of Fortune is in constant motion, around and around, up and down, never standing still.

The Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson; illustrated by Eugene Smith (Llewellyn Publications)


“How do you deal with change? Does planning for success 
seem foolish to you? What area of your life needs the most luck?”

The creators of this deck note that “Lady Bugs have long been associated with luck and good fortune.” Interestingly, Lady Bugs can be different colors. Most are red (connected to the first or root chakra and the material world). Some are orange, connecting to the second or sacral chakra, dealing with creative emotional energy. A yellow Lady Bug would be connected to the third or solar plexus chakra, the energy center of action or doing. Finally, a pink Lady Bug is associated with the fourth or heart chakra, urging you to “just allow what is happening to happen.”

The Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke; illustrated by Ola Liola (CICO Books)


Sacred Spinner (Fate, Karma, Luck, Cycles, Change)

I really like the way the creators of this deck placed a spider in a web that extends to the edges of a wheel. Think of how a spider just keeps spinning, and if the web is damaged or destroyed, the spider simply starts again. With this card we are encouraged to maintain “long-range views and an expanded perspective to find stability and truth in the midst of change.” When we sit still and center ourselves, we can watch life’s drama spin around us without being dragged up and down, around and around.

The Animal-Wise Tarot by Ted Andrews (Dragonhawk Publishing)


Heeding Inner Voice and Cycles

Ted Andrews offers us the Bear on the Wheel of Fortune card in his Animal Wise Tarot. As Andrews notes, bears “teach us that there is a rhythm and flow to everything, and when we align with it, we are much less frustrated and more successful.” Certainly we see this as we observe the hibernation habits of bears. They adapt to each new cycle as the wheel of the year turns.

The Animals Divine Tarot by Lisa Hunt (Llewellyn Worldwide)


cycle of change, the opportunity for growth due to change in fortune

Lisa Hunt neatly sidesteps any arguments over “which animal” should represent this card by stating that The Wheel represents “All Animals.” She depicts the animals “rotating together in a confluence of elements,” incorporating symbolism for Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. With the animals as our guides and teachers, be can have a glimpse into the ways nature balances itself and become more active participants in the rhythm of life. From small to large, each creature shown on The Wheel has something valuable to share with us, if we will only pay attention.

The Animism Tarot by Joanna Cheung (Self-Published)


fate, wisdom, rebirth, balance, creativity, design

Here we see the “weaver of time and fate.” Every thread has a destination. Every connection has a purpose. Joanna Cheung echoes the comments I wrote above concerning what happens when a spider’s web is damaged or destroyed, writing “threads that fall can rise up again, and though some may come undone, they can be rebuilt once more, better and stronger than ever before.”

Tarot of the Animal Lords with artwork by Angelo Giannini (Lo Scarabeo)


the natural cycle of things, fortune, love

A person with a butterfly’s head and wings flutters in the air next to a tree on which we see leaves, eggs, and caterpillars. In this way, this deck points to the butterfly as a symbol of the “natural cycle of things.” As we know, the butterfly follows a consistent pattern in its development, from egg to larva to pupa to adult. Similarly, we may go through stages of growth in our lives as we mature and gain understanding and wisdom.


Reindeer (Caribou) – 1
Lady Bug – 1
Spider – 2
Bear – 1
Butterfly – 1
All Animals – 1

I confess I’m quite partial to the Spider for The Wheel of Fortune card. What do you think?

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Family Tree Tarot Spread

I’ve been wanting to try this spread for awhile, but kept putting it off. I found this layout at WikiHow.

The layout is as follows:





The Fenestra Tarot by Chatriya volunteered enthusiastically for this reading, and I’m happy to oblige. Here we go!

1. Blessing from my mother’s bloodline: FOUR OF CUPS

My mother’s bloodline has blessed me with deep emotions and creativity, but at the same time, there is a sense of weariness or apathy, detachment or withdrawal. I definitely feel these things in spite of the fact that I do experience deep emotions and enjoy creative activity. I think this could be an indication of depression, which can make it difficult to truly appreciate the blessing I have received.

2. Challenge from my mother’s bloodline: FIVE OF PENTACLES

My mother’s bloodline presents me with a challenge in the area of the material world (possessions, finances, work). This actually makes sense combined with the Four of Cups as a blessing. Feelings of being impoverished or marginalized or abandoned affect my ability to appreciate the blessings.

3. Blessing from my father’s bloodline: PAGE OF PENTACLES

My father’s bloodline offers me the blessings that can be derived from diligence, enthusiasm, and education. I get a youthful optimism that rewards will come in the physical, material realm if I apply myself.

4. Challenge from my father’s bloodline: FIVE OF WANDS

My father’s bloodline presents me with a challenge in terms of how I handle competition or disputes. There is a sense of conflict that is not easily resolved and a reluctance to compromise that might interfere with growth and development.

5. Talent I’ve been gifted with from my mother’s bloodline


The talent I’ve been gifted from my mother’s bloodline seems to relate to an ability to share, contribute, and give to others, based in the physical, material realm. My contributions over the years of my life involve sharing musical abilities, talent in writing and communication, and creative inspiration. 

6. Talent I’ve been gifted with from my father’s bloodline: THE WORLD

From my father’s bloodline I have been gifted a talent for discovering the potential for anything and everything, fulfillment and prosperity as an outcome of my life’s journey. 

7. How can I cultivate these talents? SIX OF WANDS

I can cultivate these talents by building on any success or achievement with a goal of continuing to grow and develop.

8. What advice do my ancestors want to give me about my family? 


The advice my ancestors want to give me about my family is that I need to recognize opportunities for change, for new directions and alterations in ways of thinking and communicating. 

9. What is my ancestors’ overall perspective about my family? 


My ancestors’ overall perspective about my family is based in wisdom, intuition, and enlightenment. The ancestors take a “big picture” view as if “above” the rest of us, looking down and seeing things from a higher level.

10. How well am I aligned with my ancestors? Do I need to work harder to connect with them? 


My alignment with my ancestors is solid, basic, and firmly established. This alignment is particularly noticeable in the physical, material realm of my life. Connecting with my ancestors further can help me develop the traits I need in order to continue to improve my state of being.

Thursday, April 13, 2023


The Doors of Somlipith: A New Dimension of Card Reading
by Ana Cortez (Author), CJ Freeman (Illustrator)
REDFeather (April 11, 2023)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages; 52 cards
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0764365037
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0764365034
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 2 x 9 inches

I am delighted to introduce my blog followers to the latest incarnation of the amazing divination deck created by Ana Cortez and her father, C.J. Freeman. If you search for “Cortez” in this blog, you will find the many posts I have written, including an interview with Ana Cortez herself.

The Doors of Somlipith: A New Dimension of Card Reading is a card and book set packaged in a beautiful, well-constructed box. The 52 cards are sturdy quality. The book is paperback, around 5-3/4 inches by 5-1/4 inches, containing 304 pages of well-organized information printed in black, red, and gold type.

This book is a true treasure trove of – in the words of the publisher – “magical symbology, ancient astrology, pyramid knowledge, natural timekeeping, geomancy, in-depth elemental and numerological perspectives, original story, a secret alphabet, mystical mandalas, innovative archetype, and more.” 

Here are a few other things I feel you need to know if you are considering The Doors of Somlipith:
  • It is NOT a Tarot deck. It is a 52-card deck with many similarities to a regular deck of playing cards. However, Ana Cortez states: “You must throw out everything you have learned from other card-reading methods.”
  • This is NOT an “out of the box” reading deck. There is a learning curve. If you are not familiar with the cards created by C.J. Freeman and how they are used, you will need to take some time to study and practice. Fortunately, in the accompanying book, Ana Cortex provides extremely useful instruction and examples.
  • There are FOUR REALMS that correspond to the four suits found on playing cards: Ignita (Diamonds/Fire), Ethra (Clubs.Air), Agana (Hearts/Water), and Terra (Spades/Earth).
  • Each Realm has an UPPER KINGDOM consisting of four archetypal personalities: Lady, Jack, Queen, and King.
  • Each Realm has a LOWER KINGDOM consisting of Ace through Nine. 

I greeted The Doors of Somlipith deck and book set with a mixture of delight at seeing old friends and anticipation for new experiences and knowledge.

In this post, I am going to focus on one component of the system presented by Ana Cortez for using The Doors of Somlipith deck. 

In Chapter 9: The 36 Gates, Cortez tells us that “from the Sun’s perspective, we see only the 36 Lower Kingdom cards as markers of time. The Courts are gods and do not participate in timekeeping.” The 36 Gates are arranged by date segments such as Jan. 1-10, Jan. 10-20, Jan. 20-29, and so forth. Each of these segments is assigned a Lower Kingdom card.

Using the table provided in the guidebook, we see that today’s date – April 13 – falls in the segment that covers April 11-20. This segment is represented by the 3 of Diamonds (Ignita / Fire). For my Daily Card draw, I will be using the 3 of Diamonds paired with a card which I will draw at random from the deck. By analyzing that pair of cards, I may get a sense of what today might bring. My draw for today is the 8 of Hearts (Agana / Water).

As advised by Ana Cortez, my first step is to look at this layout as a picture, a collection of images. I look at these two cards together and sense that The Faun on the 8 of Hearts is trying to cast a spell on  (or influence) the woman holding the severed head (3 of Diamonds). The story Cortez provides concerning the latter emphasizes "the selfishness necessary with creative ambition, and the consequences, which can be most dire." What might The Faun's goal be? Read on.


Let’s explore this a bit. As Cortez points out, all Threes “complete the first triplicity within the ascending sequence” . . . they “arise from the experience of the Ace and the Two.” Here we have consequences and manifestation. The keyword for the 3 of Diamonds (Severed Head) is “Ambition.” 

This is a Fire (Ignita) card. A chart provided by Cortez in the guidebook tells us that Fire represents Spirit, Autumn, South. Its qualities are “volatile, transmuting.” Among the Positive Attributes we find “courage, vitality, self-esteem, confidence…” Among the Negative Attributes we see “Egotism, insensitivity, selfishness, impulsivity…”

All days that fall within the April 11-20 range are represented by this card. It’s not unique to me, but applies to everyone.


This is my draw for today, April 13. Cortez tells us that all Eights are “building block” cards representing escalation and increase. Like the Three, the Eight is about “making manifest seeds previously sewn.”  

The keyword for this card is “Mischief.” The 8 of Hearts is a Water card. The chart in the guidebook tells us that Water (Agana) represents Emotion, Spring, West. Its qualities are “Yielding, penetrating.” Among the Positive Attributes we find “empathetic, nurturing, generosity, enjoyment of life…” Among the Negative Attributes we have “Self-doubt, obsession, jealousy, subconscious controlling action/judgment…”

With the 8 of Hearts we might expect energy that is strong and virile, and that can create confusion between what is real and what is illusion. The perceived order is likely to be threatened.

For those of us who are still learning, Cortez is kind enough to provide insight into what a Diamonds-Hearts (Ignita-Agana, Red-Red) pairing might indicate. Her key phrase for this pairing is “The ‘One-Night Stand.’” It’s not hard to understand how impulsivity paired with strong feelings (Ambition + Mischief) might play out. Situations suggested by this pairing are likely to be short-term but volatile and impossible to ignore.

As I post this, my day is not over, and it may yet become clear what these two cards are trying to tell me. It has been a quiet day so far, with nothing exciting or challenging taking place.

This is just one of many ways The Doors of Somlipith can be used. If you are not adverse to studying and learning how to work with a truly fascinating deck, I encourage you to give The Doors of Somlipith a try.

To read more about The Doors of Somlipith, click on these links:


In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, I hereby disclose that this product was provided by the publisher for free. Other than the occasional review copy, I receive no monetary or in-kind compensation for my reviews.  The substance of my reviews is not influenced by whether I do or do not receive a review copy.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Samhain Spirits Spread 2022

Samhain – [pronounced sah-win]

I enjoyed doing this spread for past Halloweens on Tarot Notes, so I’m giving it another go. To set the stage, I am quoting from The New Encyclopedia of the Occult by John Michael Greer (Llewellyn Worldwide):
“Samhain. The beginning and end of the year in the old Celtic calendar, falling around the beginning of November in modern terms. Samhain is the oldest documented festival of Celtic Paganism. . . Samhain was traditionally associated with the spirits of the dead, who were believed to walk the world at that time. After the arrival of Christianity, the feast of Samhain became All Hallow’s Day. The evening before it, the modern Halloween, retained much of the same symbolism.”
The positional definitions for this spread are inspired by the hauntingly beautiful song “All Soul’s Night” with words and music by Loreena McKennitt. You can listen to the song _HERE_.  You can read the lyrics of the song _HERE_.

This year, I am using the Ghosts & Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.) The layout is in the shape of a pentacle.

I stand in darkness at the entrance to the graveyard on All Hallow’s Eve, on Samhain, when spirits walk the world…

(1) This Spirit dances around and around

In the Italian fairy tale “Fair Brow,” a young man paid the debts of a dead man to assure a proper burial. The message in this story, as described by Lisa Hunt, is the importance of communication and cooperation with others, which could lead to new enterprises. It is this spirit of communication and cooperation with others that dances around and around me on this Samhain.

(2) This Spirit brings a hidden memory: 
THE HIGH PRIESTESS (Enchantress-Sibyl)

The Sibyl “interweaves the energies of past lives and future events.” She encourages me to listen to my inner voice and intuition, to access my inner wisdom through a hidden memory as I prepare to continue along my path.

(3) This Spirit carries a light in the distance
EIGHT OF CUPS (Der Schimmelreiter)

There is a sense here that I may be refusing to accept the inevitability of something, refusing to move on, lingering where there is no reason or purpose to doing so. This Spirit carries a light in the distance that I may turn and focus on that light and move towards it.


(4) This Spirit waits for me on the bridge

As described by Lisa Hunt, the dryads “are one with the trees and elements. They participate in the mysteries of the forest and feel connected to the organic matter that is swirling with magical energy.” This is the Spirit that waits for me on the bridge – a Spirit that beckons to me to enter the forest and spend some time in seclusion, where I can release the clutter and debris my mind has accumulated, so that I may acquire new clarity and vision.

(5) This Spirit passes by the bridge and me
SEVEN OF PENTACLES (Canterville Ghost)

In spite of his efforts to frighten away a family at Canterville Chase, the Canterville Ghost was unable to scare them away. The only famly member to take him seriously was 15-year-old Virginia.  It was Virginia who eventually helped the ghost find salvation and peace. This Spirit passes by the bridge and me, moving on at last to a better place. The traditional 7 of Pentacles card often refers to pausing to assess and evaluate everything we have accomplished, and perhaps to decide that we have done our best and accomplished all that we can. 

I do love that The Hermit and The High Priestess, two of my favorite Major Arcana cards, both make an appearance in this Samhain Spirits reading. The cards (and Spirits) have given me much to contemplate. 

Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain to all!