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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Scorpio Season 2022: A Reading

It’s been awhile since I posted on the blog, hasn’t it? My interest was recently piqued by a spread I came across at Astrology Answers 

It has always seemed so appropriate to me that Halloween (October 31) falls under the sign Scorpio. In Tarot, the Death card is commonly linked with Scorpio. In modern astrology, Pluto rules Scorpio. Pluto represents transformation, death and rebirth – much like the Death card in Tarot. All of this seems to wrap itself up so nicely together.

This year, the Sun entered the sign Scorpio on October 23. This spread is deseigned to explore what that means to the Seeker (in this case, me).

The question being asked with this spread is: How can I use the energy of Scorpio to unlock my powerful alter-ego?

Three cards are drawn:

Card 1: What aspect of myself am I hiding from the rest of the world?

Card 2: How should I face this during Scorpio season?

Card 3: What awaits me once I decide to explore this alter-ego?

The layout looks like this:

I am using the Cirque du Tarot by Leeza Robertson, illustrated by Josh Tufts (Llewellyn). Let’s begin!

Card 1: What aspect of myself am I hiding from the rest of the world?

PAGE OF CUPS: I always think of the Page of Cups as a vulnerable, sensitive character, one who imagines and dreams and feels all the feels. This is an aspect of myself that I tend to try to hide from the rest of the world because time and experience have taught me to build barriers and layers to protect that aspect. Cups is the suit of Water, just as Scorpio is a Water sign, so it makes sense that I might be more aware of the Page of Cups aspect of myself during Scorpio season.

Card 2: How should I face this during Scorpio season?

THE CHARIOT (Key 7): In this deck, The Chariot card features the circus Ringmaster arriving on stage in a floating chariot pulled by a group of paid hands. This grand entrance emphasizes the fact that the Ringmaster is in charge, in control of the moment. I can face the Page of Cups effects by remembering that I am in charge of my own chariot (life, actions, etc.) rather than at the mercy of a zodiac sign or even certain aspects of my own personality.

Card 3: What awaits me once I decide to explore this alter-ego?

TWO OF SWORDS: What awaits me as I explore this alter-ego is balance, especially at a mental level (Swords being the suit of the mind and communication, including self-communication). The two swords can be seen to represent the rational mind and the intuitive mind, each of which has a purpose. 


  1. What a lovely reading that was!

    I noticed today that a lot of astrology websites were talking about the spiritual significance of today's Scorpio moon, so it was nice to see you comment on that as well, particularly since your blog has been on hiatus for a few months. It's so good to see you back in action.

    It makes sense that the Page of Cups came up in your reading, for every tarot reader would be wise to protect that tender aspect of their personality. As every highly sensitive person knows, once you get inside another person's head and find out what they're thinking, it can be hard to extricate yourself emotionally. Conversely, as a highly sensitive person, sometimes you don't want other people to know what you're secretly thinking.

    In the context of your query, the Two of Swords is excellent because it shows there is great value in maintaining balance, discretion, and objectivity when the head threatens to rule the heart or vice versa. Like the High Priestess, she can keep things "close to the vest" and stay safe until it is time to speak up or make a decision.



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~ Zanna