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Saturday, December 28, 2019

"The White Hart": A 2-Card Reading

I love love love my latest, newest Tarot deck (a Christmas gift from my sister): Forest of Enchantment Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone, illustrated by Meraylah Allwood (Llewellyn Publications).

Feeling an immediate, deep connection to this deck, I decided to immediately do a small spread featured in the accompanying guidebook. This 2-card spread is a good one to use as a daily spread.

Step 1: Place the White Hart card and the Wide World card side by side.

Step 2: Ask the hart these questions:
(1) Who am I as I enter the forest today?
(2) Who will I be when I emerge?

Step 3: Draw one card to answer each question and place them facedown above the two hart cards. Look at Card 1 now and Card 2 at the end of the day OR look at both now. If you choose the second option, use Card 2 as advice for how you can shift the energy to a different place, if you desire.

I am going to read both cards now.

(1) Who am I as I enter the forest today? THE LOVERS

My “standard” interpretation for this card is usually that it relates to a loving relationship (internal or external) and/or the need to make a very important choice or decision. For this deck, Lunea Weatherstone states that The Lovers represents a “true partnership and the life choices and sacrifices that come with commitment.” As I enter the forest today, I am aware that I am one of two people in an important partnership.

(2) Who will I be when I emerge? SEEKER OF SPELLS

In this deck, Seekers are the equivalent of Knights. The suit of Spells is the suit of Wands (Fire). This Seeker is known for being bold, spirited, dramatic, impulsive, and willful. She is all about creative exploration, breaking through a routine, and spontaneous travel. When I emerge from the forest today, I may find myself feeling and expressing these qualities. If these are not traits I want to demonstrate today, I will need to use my awareness and understanding to modify or moderate them.

I certainly see a contrast here between being a member of a partnership (The Lovers) and being fiercely independent, eager to venture out on my own (Seeker of Spells). It will be interesting to see what sort of day I have…

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