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Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekly Planner - 28 Sept 2015

I decided to try my hand at a “Weekly Planner” type spread using seven cards (for seven days in the week, of course). To the best of my knowledge, this is an original spread created by me and not a duplication of anything already presented by anyone else.

For this week’s advice I am using the Otherworld Tarot by Alison Williams, with artwork by Sarah Nowell (Schiffer). The layout is left to right, like squares for the days on a weekly calendar. Below are the positional definitions:

(1) Take a closer look at this.
(2) Don’t worry so much about this.
(3) Beware of this danger.
(4) Hold tight to this.
(5) Learn to appreciate this.
(6) Stop pursuing this.
(7) Seek this.

(1) Take a closer look at this: FOUR OF PENTACLES (COMPLACENCY)
I need to take a closer look at areas where I may be overly possessive or greedy or selfish, especially with regard to the physical, material world. At the same time, I may also need to consider if I am not being careful enough or not guarding/protecting an important physical or material area enough.

(2) Don’t worry too much about this: THE CHARIOT (DIFFERENT ENERGIES)
This week, I am encouraged not to worry too much about about whether I am in complete control, steering unerringly my life in the direction I want. There will always be struggles and conflicts between opposing or contrasting forces in life. While achieving a balance is important, I do not need to obsess over it this week.

(3) Beware of this danger: THE HIEROPHANT (SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE)
Oh my. That card – the one that represents (to me) organized religion, dogmatism, and oppressive spiritual structures.  Perhaps I need to beware of allowing myself to become, in some way, the very thing I abhor – hypocrisy can develop and grow insidiously, becoming well developed before becoming apparent. Or perhaps I am being warned to beware of rejecting or dismissing all organized religions and their practitioners?

(4) Hold tight to this: THE EMPEROR (CLARITY)
I need to hold tight to any clarity I manage to achieve in chaotic situations, viewing things rationally rather than emotionally, using my natural inclination towards order and organization.

(5) Learn to appreciate this: TWO OF CUPS (BALANCE)
This week I need to learn to appreciate relationships with the people in my life, treasuring balance where it is found and seeking balance where it is absent.

(6) Don’t pursue this: THE FOOL (LEAP OF FAITH)
It seems that something may happen this week that will make me want to behave impulsively or even recklessly, perhaps out of boredom or feelings of stagnation. This is not the week to pursue whatever it is that calls me to exhibit such behavior. An opportunity that seems too good to be true just might be exactly that.

I am encouraged this week to seek and celebrate  joy and emotional well being, and to live in the moment.

My inclination is to pay particularly close attention to the positions where Majors appear in this reading. There may be special significance or long-reaching effects. Two cards from the suit of Cups call attention to relationships and emotions, and I have a lone Earth card to direct my focus to the physical, material world.

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