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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Message from the Dragon Oracle Cards

Today I'm doing a 3-card reading using the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper, with art by Carla Lee Morrow (Hay House UK).

The positional definitions I'm using are: (1) Today's message, (2) Remember this, and (3) Let this go.

(1) Today's message: ORANGE DRAGON

A member of the Fifth-dimensional dragon group in this deck, Orange Dragon reminds me to look for the divine light in everyone. By letting the light of this orange dragon shine through me, I can feel a sense of belonging as I spread that light to all peoples, races, and cultures. The message is to hold to the Highest Vision as I seek higher peace.

(2) Remember this: ALPHA DRAGON

The Alpha Dragon is one of the Ninth-dimensional dragons, a group of enormous and powerful dragons that only work for the highest good. Alpha Dragon reminds me to remember my creative force and how to use it, to tap into masculine energy for empowerment and strength as I visualize what I want to build.


As a member of the Fourth-dimensional dragons, the Earth and Water Dragon is often about starting a new phase or accepting a new opportunity. The positional definition for this reading is "Let this go" which suggests to me that perhaps this is NOT the best time to start something new. At the same time, however, I can still lay a strong foundation and generate conditions that will help me succeed. I can put in the necessary work and when the time is right, I will be ready.