In this series of posts, I plan to discuss all of the Tarot cards in order, using a different deck for each card. Today I'm exploring the EIGHT OF SWORDS from Legend: The Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson (Llewellyn Publications).
Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
In the Legend deck, Swords represent action, conflict, and decisive, analytical thinking -- a discriminating thought process that involves penetrating logic, decisive actions, and methods of coping with conflict. Anna-Marie Ferguson contrasts this with the suit of Spears which in this deck symbolizes intuitive intellect.
Concerning elemental associations, Ferguson writes: "In my opinion, fire best fits the explosive and definite nature of the [Swords] suit. Friction creates heat and leads to fire, just as it leads to the appearance of Swords in a card reading." Ferguson also feels that the element fire "mirrors the important constructive ability of Swords to clear dead wood from one's life." She associates Swords with the season of autumn, "with its darkening days and hot colours."
The Eight of Swords in the Legend deck depicts Queen Guenevere (also known as Guinevere, Guenievre, Gwenhwyfar, Gaynour, Guenhumare, or Ginevra) as she is being bound to the stake to be burned for high treason. This was to be her punishment for having Sir Lancelot as a lover while she was married to King Arthur. In Arthurian legend, Guenevere does not die at the stake but is rescued by Lancelot, an act that sparks war and splits the Fellowship of the Round Table.
The liaison between Guenevere and Lancelot is not part of the earliest recordings of Arthurian legend, but is thought to have been the invention of Marie, Countess of Champagne, who then passed the story along to Cretien de Troyes.
Divinatory Meanings provided by Ferguson: "Feeling bound and trapped. Being held at a disadvantage. Inability to free one's self from a difficult situation. Having to rely on the judgement of others. Slander. Domination. Calamity and regret. Personal effort and courage are needed to take advantage of a temporary route of escape. Approaching the end of adversity."
Reversed, the Eight of Swords can suggest "Senseless tragedy. Frustration. Ceaseless pressures. Depression. Treachery and betrayal. Unintentionally hurting loved ones. Continuing conflict."
------------------------------- About the Deck: In A Keeper of Words, the book accompanying the Legend deck, Anna-Marie Ferguson writes: "The purpose of bridging the [Arthurian] legend and the Tarot was to enhance the deck by providing a second avenue of approach. . . In creating this deck, I found the legend and the Tarot to be so compatible that I have come to believe that though their origins may be different, this is a marriage of old friends."
Other Sources:
The Encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends by Ronan Coghlan, with illustrations by Courtney Davis. (Element Inc.)
The New Arthurian Encyclopedia, edited by Norris J. Lacy et al. (Garland Publishing, Inc.)
Today's Cards and Quotes features CAT from The Magical Menagerie divination cards by Mike Leslie, with illustrations by Eric Hotz (Llewellyn Publications).
"I believe cats to be spirits come to earth.
A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud
without coming through." ~ Jules Verne (1828-1905)
French author who pioneered the science fiction genre
Wow, it has been a long time since I played Day of the Druids! This involves asking the cards what I need to be aware of today using The DruidCraft Tarot and the Druid Animal Oracle.
Key Words: Secret Knowledge, Patience, Longevity
Elements: Water and Air
Direction: East, Sunrise
When I look at these two cards side by side, I am struck by the settings, which include both water and air. Even though the Ace of Swords is an "Air card," the image shows a huge lake. I notice the similarity in the ripples surrounding the upraised arm holding the sword and the Crane's leg.
I get the sense that not only do I need to be mentally aware and alert for a new idea or approach to something, I also need to listen to my intuition and subconscious mind. If I am patient, I should be able to use both intellect and intuition, reason and emotion, to gain clarity and forge a new direction. I will not benefit from separation of mind and heart.
Please Note: I am aware that the DruidCraft deck is not strictly a "Druid" deck. The word "Craft" in the title alerts us to the fact that this deck incorporates both Wicca and Druidry.
---------------------- Sources:
The DruidCraft Tarot (deck and book set). Text copyright Philip and Stephanie Carr Gomm 2004. Illustrations copyright Will Worthington 2004. This edition copyright Eddison Sadd Editions 2004. ISBN 0 312 31502 3.
The Druid Animal Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Card Illustrations by Bill Worthington. Fireside: Simon & Schuster, Inc. Text copyright Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm 1994. Card illustrations copyright Bill Worthington 1994. This edition copyright Eddison Sadd Editions 1994. ISBN not known.
[Kindle Edition]
by Janet Boyer
Print Length: 14 pages
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
TOP LINE (formerly Bottom Line)
Talk about "handy dandy"! This ebook contains "everything you ever wanted to know about The High Priestess, even if you didn't know what to ask." I'm talking about a treasure trove of clearly communicated facts and history, along with the kind of personal associations and attributions that only Janet Boyer can provide.
Boyer skillfully segues from Joan of Arc to Carly Simon to The Virgin Mary, weaving cultural, historical, mythological, and spiritual references into a cohesive High Priestess tapestry. By the way, if you think the headdress worn by the HP is a reference to the Egyptian goddess Isis, be prepared to think again. Boyer isn't buying it. She does buy a connection to the idealized Triple Goddess.
If you're looking for an informative, comprehensive guide to Trump 2, I think you'll be quite pleased with this ebook. And don't forget to pick up The Fool and The Magician while you're at it.
"Learning the Tarot can be overwhelming, especially with 78 cards to master. That's why Tarot expert, author, blogger, reviewer and deck creator Janet Boyer has written the Tarot Explorations Card-by-Card series. Informative, accessible and entertaining, Janet takes you through the Major Arcana, Minor Arcana and Court cards--one at a time--sharing her teaching secrets and personal wisdom with you."
Janet Boyer
Janet Boyer is a professional Tarot reader, teacher, expert, and deck creator as well as an author, reviewer, blogger and aspiring novelist. Visit her at her website -- -- featuring over 900 pages of free content, including articles and reviews.
Next comes the Symbolism section, in which Boyer goes down the line symbol by symbol, explaining the how-where-when-and-who of each one. For example, under the heading "Yellow Crescent Moon," Boyer includes not only a thorough discussion of moon symbolism but the color yellow as well. In the past, I have relied on various sources, including that found at (based on original research by Robert V. O'Neill).
Boyer's material on symbols is a welcome addition to the Major Arcana notebook I've been maintaining for years. On her blog she notes: "Rather than regurgitate what other Tarot writers say on the subject (as many writers do), I've independently researched the symbolism." The following symbols are covered in the book:
Number 2
Black and White Pillars
B and J
Equal-Armed White Cross
Yellow Crescent Moon
Blue Robe
Date Palm Tree
A section on Esoteric Correspondences offers Hebrew Letter, Planetary, Esoteric Title, Intelligence, and Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life associations.
At this point, Boyer incorporates some extra-nice features such as the 7 Clue Tarot Method, Affirmations, Journaling Questions, and High Priestess Spread. These are followed by a segment on Light/Shadow Continuum and Reversals. Here we get a Best Case/Worst Case discussion and a brief summary of how this relates to Reversals, if you choose to use them. (Read my review of Boyer's book Tarot in ReverseHERE.)
Also included in the book are a link to a web page on which Boyer displays over 40 different High Priestess cards, a bio, and a Bibliography for Symbolism.
In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, I hereby disclose that this product was provided by the publisher for free. Other than the occasional review copy, I receive no monetary or in-kind compensation for my reviews. The substance of my reviews is not influenced by whether I do or do not receive a review copy.
Today's edition of 5W's and an H features The Mary El Tarot by Marie White (Schiffer).
To refresh your memory: For the 5W's and an H exercise, we use one Tarot card to answer the questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? As an additional requirement, each answer can be only one phrase or sentence. The idea is to respond intuitively, without a lot of description or explanation.
The Mary El Tarot
Who? Someone who is youthful, enthusiastic, ambitious, and brave.
What? Strong potential for a new career path that needs your attention.
When? Right now!
Where? In a place where you can gain the experience and knowledge to move you forward on your path.
Why? Because strength to succeed can be found in your beliefs.
How? By having confidence in yourself, remaining optimistic, and taking action to achieve your goal.
Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle
Paintings & Text by Cheryl Yambrach Rose
Published by Daghda Vision S.R.O.
Distributed by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-57281-722-7
52 cards (3.5" x 6"); 108-page Guidebook
Also available as an iPhone or iPad app,
with animation and music
TOP LINE (formerly Bottom Line)
If you don't like or don't use oracle decks, you obviously won't rush out and get this one. However, if you do enjoy oracle decks -- whether for reading, meditation, or other purposes -- this one is certain to spark your imagination and awaken your intuition.
The advice offered on the cards is practical and understandable. I really like the way the artist/author pairs those qualities with art that evokes mystery and mystical realms. There is a keen sense of "as above, so below" or "as within, so without" in these cards.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Guidebook, which offers much historical, mythological, and spiritual food for thought.
I decided to pull a card to represent "myself as I need to be this week." The Irish goddess Eriu (namesake of Ireland) came forward for me on a card titled "Eriu's Eyes." As you can see, my message for this week is "Look Through the Mist, Find the Mystery." Expanding on this, Cheryl Yambrach Rose writes, "Don't cloud your judgment with doubt - believe! The secret of Divine creation is within you. The Goddess is waiting to help you manifest your dreams." The Guidebook tells me: "In the 6th century, monks settled on Skellig Michael, eight miles from shore. This was one of the storehouses of literature, music, and history that saved European culture from extinction in the dark ages."
I love the way Eriu gazes out through the mist over Skellig Island, like the creative spirit within each of us "gazes out" at the physical, material world in which we live. Whether noticed by our eyes or not, she is there, and her eyes see everything. So if you need to find me this week, I will be looking through the mist to find the mystery!
"For those in search of personal intuitive guidance, this luminescent oracle deck provides a powerful vehicle for accessing the wisdom of mythic beings and divine entities. The deck is comprised of 52 over-sized, gilded cards with stunning original artwork. Meditating on a card image reveals deep insights and profound answers. The illustrated guidebook allows you to delve into the meaning of each card and connect with your higher self."
In the Guidebook that accompanies this deck, following the Contents page, Cheryl Yambrach Rose provides an introductory section containing entries on How to Use the Oracle, Clearing your cards, and an explanation of the deck called "Art Through the Eyes of the Soul." Rose writes, "This oracle deck is a vehicle to provide personal intuitive guidance from the mythic beings and Divine entities that inhabit sacred sites and spaces."
Each card has a two-page section in the Guidebook featuring a black-and-white image of the card, an Expanded Meaning for the card, and a description that provides information about the subject and setting of the painting. The cards are not numbered, but the Contents section is arranged alphabetically by card title.
For example, the entry for a card called "The Burning of the Sage" explains that the painting is about "a sacred ceremony of the Shasta Native Americans who live near the base of Mount Shasta." In the foreground we see a female Shaman with her white spirit bird, Raven. The background shows the pinnacle peaks of Castle Crags located to the west of Mt. Shasta, said to be the site of the last tribal conflict. The words of advice for this card: "Visualize Healing". The Expanded Meaning: "Address health issues with positive visualizations. Use your intuition to connect into your energy field and identify the causes of your distress. Research may be necessary to get a balanced view."
Among the places included in this deck and Guidebook are Russia, Ireland, Scotland, Skellig Islands, Cornwall, Glastonbury, Dartmoor, Prague, Suriname, Egypt, the Isle of Avalon, and California.
There are no spreads in the Guidebook, but Rose suggests drawing a single card to ask a question for daily guidance or meditation, a three-card layout of present situation-influences-guidance, "or any layout of your preference."
In addition to stunningly gorgeous women and noble-looking men, many of the cards feature animals such as wolves, birds, dolphins, whales, horses, butterflies, deer, a cougar, and a dragon. One of my favorite cards is the last one (alphabetically) in the deck, titled "Wolf Child."
The glossy, gilt-edged 3.5" x 6" cards are printed on sturdy stock. The Guidebook is the same size as the cards. Both are packaged in a high-quality cardboard box with a lid, for easy storage and protection. Cards are not numbered.
Card faces are bordered in gold "picture frames". Within the frame is an image with a cream-colored text box below it. The text box contains a title in light italic type and words of advice in a "Glastonbury" style font. For example, the card titled "Ariadne and the Stellar Wheel" offers the advice "Weave Your Own Destiny."
The illustration on the box and the Guidebook is also found on the card titled "Lady of the Lake."
Card backs in shades of blue, black, and a bit of green depict a face peering from behind a stone. In the background we see a shadowy, mystical looking setting. The illustration used on the back is also seen on the card titled "Welsh Faery Glen." Card backs are not reversible, and reversals are not encouraged when using this deck.
The cards are too large to be shuffled "poker style" but I had no trouble using the push-pull method, which is my normal shuffling method.
Cheryl Yambrach Rose-Hall
Cheryl Yambrach Rose-Hall is a portrait painter, visionary artist and researcher. Using historical data along with her psychic impressions she creates empowered works of art based on sacred sites and their mythology. Her artwork has shown world-wide, including the Nelson Rockefeller Collection, the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum and the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. In Prague, she is co-founder with her husband, of Daghda Vision s.r.o., a company dedicated to global cultural exchange, art, film and publishing.
Whether cool or warm in tone, the colors in these paintings/cards are deep, vivid, and rich. The subjects are so life-like, it is easy to imagine entering the pictures and engaging in conversation with them or even becoming them. Whether real-world or otherworld, the settings draw the viewer in.
Many of the paintings in this deck are also featured in Rose-Hall's full-color 128-page book, Art Through the Eyes of the Soul (Rosehall Llc). The book, which contains 120 photographs and 60 original oils, explains her journey as a visionary and Neo-Mythic artist, as well as her technique of 'tuning into' the subject through the eyes to paint a psychic impression. Four mythic lands are included -- lands where Rose-Hall herself "lives and paints": Narnia, Avalon, Bohemia, and Lemuria. For more information about this book, click HERE.
Enjoy the Video:
In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, I hereby disclose that this product was provided by the publisher for free. Other than the occasional review copy, I receive no monetary or in-kind compensation for my reviews. The substance of my reviews is not influenced by whether I do or do not receive a review copy.
I've been feeling the need to create another little piece of music based on Tarot cards!
To read and listen to my post on the piece I composed with cards from the Mary El Tarot by Marie White (Schiffer Publishing), click HERE.
This time, I'm using the evocative and inspiring Elemental Tarot, with artwork by Marco Turini (Lo Scarabeo). [To read my review of this deck, click HERE.]
A bit of background: In his book The Tarot, Paul Foster Case assigns a musical note to each of the Major Arcana cards. I have been fascinated by this for a long time, but only just now decided to make something of it!
My background in music is quite basic: I learned to play the piano in elementary school and taught myself to play the guitar in high school. In the 1960s, I wrote and performed my own songs in coffee houses.
For my compositions, I assign each card a chord based on the notes provided by Case. Here are the cards I drew from the Elemental Tarot and the chords I assigned to them.
The Chariot: D sharp (E flat) Strength: E Justice: F sharp (G flat)
Click on the title of the poem I wrote (below) to listen to the audio file of my finished piece.
An empty gypsy wagon stands
In an open field.
The horses have no one
To urge them forward or hold them back.
They wait
For you to take the reins of your life.
A lion lurks within.
He lifts his head and growls.
Are you his prey?
His enemy? His gentle master?
He waits
For you to recognize him.
A woman in red stands
With arms outstretched.
The sharp knife of intellect in one hand,
The deep chalice of emotion in the other.
She waits
For you to face the moment of truth.
---------------------------------- Paul Foster Case's Musical Note Correspondences for the Major Arcana
Fool = E
Magician = E
High Priestess = G# or A flat
Empress = F# or G flat
Emperor = middle C
Hierophant = C# or D flat
Lovers = D
Chariot = D# or E flat
Strength = E
Hermit = F
Wheel of Fortune = A# or B flat
Justice = F# or G flat
Hanged Man = G# or A flat
Death = G
Temperance = G# or A flat
Devil = A
Tower = middle C
Star = A# or B flat
Moon = B
Sun = D
Judgement = middle C
World = A
Tomorrow, transiting Mars (in Libra, in my First House) forms a trine with my natal Mars (in Aquarius, in my Fifth House). I thought this would be a good time to blog about the oft-maligned energy of Mars and its Tarot connections.
Quick Primer/Refresher
Mars is the planet of physical energy (yes, this includes sexual energy), the will to win, and the ability to turn ideas into action. Its placement in a birth chart describes how we express our energies, assert ourselves, and go about meeting our desires and needs -- in other words, how we act.
The trine aspect occurs when two planets or luminaries are at a 120 degree angle to each other. This is considered to be a highly favorable aspect.
Chart courtesy of Astrodienst
In general, from an astrological standpoint, a trine between transiting Mars and natal Mars is about strong self-assertion, self-confidence, and self-assurance. It's a high-energy transit from which I can hope to gain extra drive with corresponding results. A hefty amount of ego is likely to be involved.
For my Mars-Mars transit, we need to consider:
Aquarius -- a unique, independent, humanitarian Air sign
Libra -- a harmonious, charming, indecisive Air sign
the First House (House of Self)
the Fifth House (House of Creativity)
I could elaborate further and bring in the natural rulers of these signs and houses, as well as other aspects taking place on the same day -- but I think things are probably complicated enough for the moment!
In the Tarot, the planet Mars is most commonly seen as being linked to The Tower (Trump 16). This is the association made by the Golden Dawn. In his Mandala Astrological Tarot, A.T. Mann associates Mars not only with The Tower, but with The Emperor (Trump 4), Death (Trump 13), and The Devil (Trump 15).
Personally, I associate the energy of Mars with The Tower (as per the Golden Dawn) and, secondarily, with The Emperor (which the Golden Dawn links with the sign Aries, ruled by Mars). So for this Mars-Mars trine, I'm going to use The Tower and The Emperor to explore the situation.
Cards are from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.)
Now, in typical Tarot interpretations, it's easy to see how The Emperor embodies the qualities of Mars -- leadership, assertiveness, self-confidence, action, ego. When The Emperor walks (pardon me, strides) into a room, people notice. He cuts a fine figure, inspiring loyalty and admiration from his subjects. A "good" Emperor uses these qualities to the benefit of his subjects. A "bad" Emperor uses these traits to quash everybody and everything in his path.
Furthermore, in this situation, The Emperor represents transiting Mars in my First House. This is a highly dominant position that gives me the opportunity to further my own interests. With transiting Mars in Libra, active cooperation or partnership with others may be an important factor.
The Tower often inspires "shock and awe" -- and not in a good way. The first reaction to seeing The Tower card is likely to be, "Oh no! Something big and bad is about to happen!" Cringe! Duck! Run for cover! We anticipate our foundation being snatched out from under us. We fear the collapse of everything we hold dear, hurricane-force winds, and general devastation and destruction. Even the most optimistic Tarot readers usually concede that The Tower means a major overhaul, even if the breakdown of something significant makes it possible for something better to be created.
In my birth chart, this "Tower" energy manifests in the sign Aquarius in my Fifth House. It's a constant energy, present from my moment of birth and ongoing. Impatience, detachment, and a love of experimentation and/or risk-taking can be hallmarks of Mars in Aquarius. Mars in the Fifth House typically suggests personal magnetism, impatience (again!), and risk-taking (again!). It's pretty easy to see why a combination of these characteristics might signal more than one Tower moment in my life.
I feel that if we look at The Emperor "trine" The Tower, we improve the odds that the upheaval represented by The Tower will actually be of tremendous benefit, and might even be modified or "controlled" by The Emperor's overriding authority. As Trump Four, The Emperor suggests stability and security. Trump Sixteen reduces to the number Seven which, as I discussed in a recent blog post, can indicate a certain amount of tension, possibly a struggle to reconcile opposing forces or a time of growth and expansion that could destabilize our world as we know it. Seven also recommends reflection or contemplation, which could help us prevent a catastrophe.
So trine away, dear Mars(es)! I will look for opportunities to push my agenda and instigate forward progress.
I am working my way through the numbers, comparing the ways in which I have used them in Tarot readings with observations and comments from numerologists and occultists. I welcome your comments and observations about this fascinating subject!
Tarot Cards: The Chariot, Sevens of all suits
I am currently reading a mystery novel by David Skibbins called The Hanged Man (Thomas Dunn Books, an imprint of St. Martin's Press). It's one of a series of books Skibbins wrote, each featuring a specific Major Arcana card. In this particular book, he prefaces groups of chapters with comments about numbers, staring with zero. For Seven, he writes: "The final results of the Great Plan of Creation are far from manifestation. We've got a long way to go. But we get little victories on the path to complete enlightenment. These small triumphs remind us that our struggles are not meaningless but just stepping-stones on the journey. Seven reminds us to celebrate winning the small battles and then get back into the fight."
I like that description. I can see how it applies to the 7 of Pentacles, where a man pauses to appraise what he has accomplished so far, and in the 7 of Swords, where a man carries away five swords, leaving two behind. In a sense, you could say that his task is "incomplete."
The man on the 7 of Wands seems to have the upper hand against his opponents -- but this could easily be a "small battle" that he will need to win as part of a larger "war." On the 7 of Cups, the option that the figure chooses is going to affect how the rest of his journey progresses. On The Chariot (Trump 7) the charioteer guides his vehicle away from a city. He is clearly "on his way" somewhere else, but has not yet arrived.
Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)
Writing about the occult meaning of numbers, Paul Foster Case gives the following keywords for Seven: "rest, safety, security, victory. . . temporary cessation." Case also writes, "This number stands for the logical consequence of the ideas symbolized by the numbers preceding it in the series." He points out that the Hebrew name for 7 is Occult Intelligence. (The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, Macoy Publishing Company) Like Skibbins, Case emphasizes the cumulative effect of efforts.
Gary Meister, CTM offers the key word "Success" and the key phrase "Learning From One=s Mistakes" for the number Seven. He writes: "[Seven] is considered, from antiquity, to be a sacred number. . . Seven indicates that we have learned from whatever mistakes we have made." He adds that the element lined with a particular Seven card will describe the area of life in which we have learned (or have an opportunity to learn) from our mistakes.
Somewhat in contrast to the above, we have those who focus on Seven as a number of mystery, mysticism, and philosophy."
In his book Numerology: Key to the Tarot (Whitford Press), Sandor Konraad gives the Keywords "introspective, secretive, spiritually attuned" for the number Seven.
Quoting from Numerology and The Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker (Whitford Press): "Seven seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence . . . Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the 7 feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. . . 7 ushers into the cycle a physical completion without apparent effort. . . " Key words for Seven: "quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, mystical."
The web site provides the following key words for the number Seven: "Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma."
In Anna Burroughs Cook's Tarot Dynamics system: "Subject Card Seven corresponds to our relationships." This is in keeping with the Seventh House (house of one-to-one relationships and partnerships) in Astrology. Cook writes: "Sevens are all about the constructive or self-defeating manner in which you handle (or allow yourself to be handled) in your personal and professional relationships."
Konraad writes, "[The Fool as The Charioteer]. . . is in full control of his chariot of personality." The black and white sphinx-like creatures suggest a conflict between id and ego impulses now resolved by The Charioteer. The prospect of solitude does not disturb The Charioteer because "he has acquired inner strength and harmony." The Divinatory Meaning provided by Konraad for The Chariot upright is Victory. Reversed: Dark victory. Defeat.
Concerning The Chariot (Card 7), Anna Cook writes that when this card appears: "Your attitude, moods and views, now have a stronger influence upon other people than you may realize. . . Your 'synergy' is about to be tested or rewarded. One or more of your relationships are about to enter a new phase that could open your eyes or broaden your horizons, if you're paying attention!" Cook's key words for The Chariot are "Karmic / Relationships."
According to Javane and Bunker: "The Chariot represents receptivity to the will of the one Source. . . Symbolically, The Charioteer is the soul, directing the chariot, the body."
For Sandor Konraad, in the Minor Arcana, 7 is a number of CHANGE. With Pentacles (Coins), this is likely to represent a change in business or career, "usually for the better" or a business trip. The 7 of Wands suggests a change "concerning a student, teacher, or writer". The 7 of Cups: "Change in residence. A home visit to or from lover, friend, or relative." Konraad views the 7 of Swords as a "Warning card" that indicates that "the person may be on the edge of a breakdown." It can also be seen as a warning against accident.
We have quite a few interpretations to consider here. At this point in time, my key words for the number Seven: mysticism, evolving/extending, pulling back/pushing ahead, solitude/contemplation, complexity, and wisdom gained from experience.
I hope you enjoy these quotations I found that include the number Seven:
“All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire.” ~ Aristotle (Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist and Physician, 384 BC-322 BC)
"One man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." ~ William Shakespeare (English dramatist, 1564-1616)
"The serpent, the king, the tiger, the stinging wasp, the small child, the dog owned by other people, and the fool: these seven ought not to be awakened from sleep." ~ Chanakya (Indian Politician, 350 BC-275 BC)
"In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people." ~ Wilma Mankiller (Cherokee Statesman, 1945 -)
Today's Cards and Quotes features the EIGHT OF WANDS from the Sharman-Caselli Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke, illustrated by Giovanni Caselli (St. Martin's Griffin).
Sharman-Caselli Tarot
"Everything you want also wants you.
But you have to take action to get it."
Jules Renard
French Dramatist 1864-1910