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Saturday, July 11, 2020

What is the direction my life is taking?

A sample reading using
Shapeshifter Tarot
by D.J. Conway and Sirona Knight
with Illustrations by Lisa Hunt

What is the direction my life is taking?


Your card is THE SHAPESHIFTER (Key 12).

On this card a woman who has partially shapeshifted into a jaguar lies on a branch over a quiet pool (symbol of the emotions). She has reached a place of suspended activity, a time to contemplate and review her life's path. Because her emotions are quiet and calm, she can see her reflection clearly, and she knows she is making progress. Vague faces peer up at her from the water, representing aspects of her emotions and life that still remain partly hidden from her. 

This card suggests that there may be little or no movement in your life right now. This is a good time for introspection and for making careful decisions about how your actions in the present will impact your future. By remaining receptive, you will be open to messages from dreams, your intuition, and unexpected sources. 

Following this period of consideration, you will need to make a decision about your next step and act on that decision. The key will be to acknowledge and accept that there may be obstacles in your path but not to let situations rule you. Avoid giving your power to others. Don't let the past stop you from accomplishments in the future. 

It is my hope that the insight gained through this reading will help you make decisions and take action in line with your best interests. Always remember that your future lies in your hands. Thank you for letting me read for you.

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