Quick Primer/Refresher
- Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, and short trips.
- Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign, the sign of service and self-improvement, known for being reserved, practical, discriminating, and analytical.
- Venus is the planet of love, beauty, values, and art.
- Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign, the sign of achievement and structure, known for being disciplined, acquisitive, and quick to seize opportunity.
- The trine aspect occurs when two planets or luminaries are at a 120 degree angle to each other. This is considered to be a highly favorable aspect.

In Tarot terms (using Golden Dawn attributions) we have The Magician under the influence of The Hermit making nice with The Empress under the influence of The Devil. Yikes. Okay, this actually sounds like a marriage made in heaven for any creative projects I might want to work on. I'm making jewelry these days, and a Mercury/Virgo - Venus/Capricorn trine provides a lot of supportive energy for that.
Mercury rules Virgo and is very strong in that sign. The fact that both Virgo and Capricorn are Earth signs adds practical, determined, and stable influence to the mix. So my creations are likely to have considerable value and attention to detail. Mutable Virgo incorporates flexibility and Cardinal Capricorn provides initiative.
As they proclaim in those TV commercials -- "But wait! There's more!"
Also today - transiting Mars (in Scorpio) trines my natal Uranus (in Cancer).
Quick Primer/Refresher
- Mars is the planet of physical energy, the will to win, and the ability to turn ideas into action.
- Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign, the sign of desire, transformation, and power, known for being imaginative, passionate, and intense.
- Uranus is the planet of change and originality. (As an outer planet, it has more of a generational influence than a personal influence, but aspects with transiting personal planets can have an effect at a personal level.)
- Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign, the sign of sensitivity and nurturing, known for being receptive, intuitive, and imaginative.

In Tarot terms (using Golden Dawn attributions) we have The Tower under the influence of Death and The Fool under the influence of The Chariot as BFFs. Interesting couple! I get the impression that they are telling me it's okay to let go of something that I've been clinging to, even if I fear it might be "foolish" to do so. Nothing says "transformation" like The Tower under the influence of Death! The time has come for me to step out in faith, trusting the Universe to provide something even better than what I am clinging to.
Traditionally, Mars rules Scorpio and is very strong in that sign. Scorpio and Cancer are both Water signs, which suggests my attachment to the status quo might be strongly emotional and/or subconscious.
All in all, I'm looking forward to experiencing and working with the energy represented by these two transits and the cards linked with the planets involved.
This was interesting, it makes me wish I had taken up astrology, but I don't know if I could be bothered these days. Still I enjoyed reading your interpretations.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Helen! I am glad you found it interesting reading.